Cerimon Chess
Inspired by Dr. Joseph L. Chin, M.D., F.R.C.S. C.
By Paul DeWitte
This chess variant, Cerimon Chess, is an expression of my gratitude to the compassionate and brilliant Dr. Joseph Chin, the current Chairman of the Division of Urology at the University of Western Ontario, whom I credit with ridding my body of cancer and of consequently restoring my enthusiasm for life. This variant is meant also, by extension, as an homage to all oncologists, those medical warriors who, as Dr. Sherwin Nuland eloquently states, can be seen on the barricades when other defenders have furled their flags.
This variant is named after Cerimon, the physician in William Shakespeares Pericles, Prince of Tyre. In the play, after Pericless wife,
Thaisa, has been buried at sea, and her coffin has washed up on the shore, Cerimon tirelessly applies his skills to Thaisa and, through his good appliance, succeeds in reviving her. At the end of the play, Pericles is reunited with
Thaisa, effecting a restoration of both family and social order. Pericles praises
Cerimon, exclaiming: Reverend sir,/ The gods can have no mortal officer/ More like a god than you.
The game uses the standard 8X8, 64-cell board.
White begins play with knights at a2, b2, g2, and h2, bishops at b1, c1, f1, and g1, rooks at a1 and h1, sergeants at c2, d2, e2, and f2, a royal king at e1 and a terror at d1.
Black begins play with knights at a7, b7, g7, and h7, bishops at b8, c8, f8, and g8, rooks at a8 and h8, sergeants at c7, d7, e7, and f7, a royal king at e8 and a terror at d8.
The knights, bishops, rooks and kings in this variant possess the same moves as they do in regular chess. The terror possesses queen + knight moves, and the sergeant possesses regular pawn and Berolina pawn moves. The sergeant, then, can move and capture either straight ahead or on the forward diagonal. Both the terror and the sergeant are described in the Piececlopedia.
The object of the game, as it is in regular chess, is to mate the opponents king. However, in this variant, by checking the opponents king with a knight, bishop, rook or
sergeant, it is possible to resurrect an identical lost piece. To do this, two simple conditions must be met. There must be a lost (i.e. captured) piece available to be retrieved, and there must be an unoccupied beginning square to which the piece can be returned. For example, by checking the opponents king with a knight, a player can place one of his captured knights back onto the board. (In whites case, the knight can be returned to a2, b2, g2, or h2, at whites discretion.) Because a player begins with only one terror, checking an opponents king with a terror does not have the advantage of allowing a player to recover a captured piece.
Sergeants promote. Sergeants can make either a diagonal or an orthogonal initial double move.
Castling and en passant captures are not permitted.
Standard chess equipment is used. Two extra knights and two extra bishops are required per player to begin the game.