007 Chess
Invented by Edward Jackman 1995
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The idea for this came from several different other CVs that tried to incorporate the idea of moving both your own and your opponent's pieces. Some of these games don't even work, other have awkward rule fixes so they will work. The name, 007 refers of course to James Bond -- a spy who sometimes passes himself as someone he's not.
*007 CHESS*
All rules of orthochess apply with these changes:
- Players make three moves per turn, first a friendly piece, then an enemy piece, then another friendly piece.
- When moving enemy pawns, the pawns move normally. That is, the direction a pawn moves is determined by the color of the pawn, not by the player moving it.
- Each move must be legal by itself. If the first move of the turn puts the enemy king in check, the second move of the turn must escape that check if possible. If the second move puts your own king in check, your third move must release that check if possible. A player may not expose the friendly king to check when moving a friendly piece, or likewise expose the enemy king to check when moving an enemy piece.
- A player may not pass any of the three moves. The player MUST make all three moves if at all possible. If and only if it is impossible to make all three moves, the game is a stalemate.
- A player may give checkmate on the first or third moves of the turn, winning the game. Additionally, a player can legally checkmate him or herself on the second move of the turn and in doing so, lose the game.
- There are no restrictions against reversing moves made by the other player.
- Promotions are decided by the player that MOVES the pawn.*
Since each individual move is a legal orthochess move, the results will be a completely legal game of chess.
*007 CHESS, DETENTE variation*
Same rules as above with these changes:
- The enemy piece a player moves on the 2nd move in a turn may not be captured on the 3rd move of the same turn.
- A player may not move the same piece on the 1st and 3rd moves of the turn unless it is impossible to move two different pieces.
Other notes:
- For a fast and deadly game, ignore all rules regarding check and checkmate. Object is to capture the king.
- To play Balanced 007, reducing White's advantage, the Black player begins by moving a White piece only. The White player follows by moving a Black piece then a White piece. Thereafter, the game continues as in standard 007, three moves per turn: friendly, enemy, friendly.
- Progressive 007. Move sequence is: W - BW - BWB - WBWB - WBWBW
- BWBWBW - etc. Not compatible with Detente variation. Each individual
move during a turn must be legal -- the resulting game must be a completely
legal game of orthochess.
More on Progressive 007 can be found here.
So far, no one, including myself, likes the original game. However, 007 Detente has been getting a lot of play. Also, there is disagreement on whether rule #7 should be changed so that the OWNER of a pawn decides what it promotes to. I'm leaning now to change it. Other games (such as Avalanche Chess) in which players move opposing pieces leave promotion to the owner of the pawn. Also, I think it would lead to more interesting situations in which a player conspires to make the opposition help promote a pawn.
Here's a quickie I lost:
Balanced 007 Detente
Edward is white moving up the board.
Hunter is black moving down the board.
Moves made by Edward are [bracketed] for clarity.
White | Black | |
1. | f3 | [h6] |
2. | [e4] | e5 |
3. | g4 | Qh4+ |
4. | [Ke2] | [Qh3] |
5. | [Qe1] | Be7 |
6. | g5 | Qe6 |
7. | [gxh6] | [g5] |
8. | [Bh3] | Qc4+ |
9. | Ke3 | Bc5+ |
10. | [d4(forced)] | d6] |
11. | [Bxc8] | Rxh7 |
12. | Qe2 | Qxd4++ |
White: |
Written by Edward Jackman.
WWW page created: December 11, 1995. Last modified: February 7, 2000.