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This page is written by the game's inventor, Robert Tiess.


A New Game of Chess for a New Generation of Players

Chess2 was conceived to be a natural evolution of classical chess, bringing the original game closer to the true nature of kingdoms, which consist not only of capable warriors and towering monarchs, but foolishness and deceit as well. It is in this spirit of novelty and balance that Chess2 introduces two new pieces into the game of chess: the Fool and the Knave.

There are eight new pieces in Chess2, four on each side: one Fool and one Knave per side, and two additional Pawns on each side to fill the front lines. The chess board is larger by two squares horizontally and vertically to accommodate these new pieces.

As you can imagine, the expanded board and new pieces pave the way for a new generation of openings, strategy, challenges, theory, endgames and enjoyment for chess enthusiasts everywhere.

Chess2 was created by Robert J. Tiess.

For more information about the board and the pieces please scroll down this page. If you have any questions or comments on Chess2, please feel free to contact its creator.


The Chess2 board is ten squares by ten squares. Piece placement follows classical chess, with the Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queen, King, and Pawns following their natural ranks.

There are eight new pieces in Chess2: Two knaves, two fools, and four additional pawns divided up on either side of the board. Refer to the illustration above to note the board's extension and logistics of pieces.

The board's extension also necessitates an augmentation of the pawn's first move. This is to preserve the early classical challenge for central control of the board. This also enables pawns to have an even more active role in the defense and development of key pieces as well as offer increased offensive capabilities.


The Pawn

In Chess2 the pawn can move 1, 2 or 3 spaces forward on the first move. Classical rules apply to the pawn from that point on. En passant also applies if a pawn moves forth two or three spaces and an opposing pawn attacks.

The Knave

The knave is a new piece exclusive to Chess2. The knave is a dark character symbolized by the dagger. It can attack pieces on either side (black or white) except the king of its own side, which it cannot place in check.

The knave moves one space in any direction.

Its dual nature can help a player open the board up or be used in support of other pieces as the game develops. Pieces from either side may attack the knave if there is any advantage in doing so.

The Fool

The fool, or jester (whichever you prefer) is symbolized by the fool's cap. It moves like a bishop (see below) in diagonals one space at a time.

The fool's first move may be to leap out in front of the Queen's bishop--above the bishop's pawn if that square is unoccupied (opening name: "Queen's Fool's Gambit"). Or the fool may leap out before the Queen's Rook's pawn (opening name: "Fool's Gambit"). From that point on the fool moves only one space in any diagonal direction.

The Knight

The Knight in Chess2 is consistent with its counterpart in classical chess.

The Bishop

The Bishop in Chess2 is consistent with its counterpart in classical chess.

The Rook

The Rook in Chess2 is consistent with its counterpart in classical chess.

See the King entry below for castling rules.

The Queen

The Queen in Chess2 is consistent with its counterpart in classical chess.

The King

The King in Chess2 is consistent with its counterpart in classical chess.

Note: In the case of castling, the following applies in Chess2

  • When castling on the King's side, the King (G1) and Rook (J1) move respectively to I1 and H1.
  • When castling on the Queen's side, the King (G1) and Rook (A1) move respectively to D1 and E1.

Classical chess rules apply to castling in Chess2:

  • Neither the King nor the Rook may have moved beforehand
  • No piece may be between the King and either Rook when attempting to castle
  • You cannot castle through check or while in check

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© Copyright 1997 - 2000
Robert J. Tiess
All World Rights Reserved

Written by Robert J. Tiess
WWW Page Created: Fri Oct 29, 1999. Last Modified: April 25, 2000.