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This page is written by the game's inventor, Redzo Kolakovic.

Chess'3 by Redzo Kolakovic

In the February '2000 issue of Schaakmagazine, the journal of the KNSB, the Dutch chess federation, a game called Chess'3 is mentioned. One of twenty prototypes of this game was given to the Max Euwe Centrum in Amsterdam. The name with the3 is to denote that this should be the chess of the third millennium. The game came from Slovenia. It was invented by Redzo Kolakovic from Maribor.

A more recent version of the game can be read here, in an format, obtained by converting a booklet to html. Chess'3 (Game of the 3rdmillennium) represents an innovation, which improves and extends classic game of chess.

Historical sources prove that chess is the oldest game still played today. It's evolution leads to conclusion that this noble game was changed and improved many times through it's history. It was a result of changes in human society and culture. Chess always reflected the time in which it was played. Elements of the game were constantly upgraded and depended of technical and cultural development of many empires.

Chess'3 is a reflection of modern times and artistic freedom. It is based on long-term scientific and mathematical research, which resulted in a successful combination of two main components: to retain the beauty of the old chess and to enrich it's mission. Chess'3 gives new dimensions to the game.With these improvements Chess'3 becomes a treasure-house of strategy, tactics, logic, mathematical reliability and the game between two extremes-speculation and objectivity.

Chess findings until today are not compatible anymore and chess theoreticians and analysts are offered unimaginable joy and relaxed imagination with chess'3.

The purpose of Chess'3 is not to deny the beauty and marvel of today's chess, its purpose is to combine two components,this is to obtain the beauty of today's chess and enhance its mission which reflects today's modern world.

Redzo Kolakovic


New features of Chess'3

  1. The chessboard is combined from 100 black and white fields
  2. In chess'3 is the field a1 white. The field j1 is black.
  3. Chess'3 is played with 20 black and 20 white pieces
  4. The main new feature is a new piece called the civilian (there are 2 black and 2 white civilians)
  5. The number of pawns is increased to 10 for each player
  6. The move of the pawn can be made from starting point for one, two or three fields.
  7. There are three variations of en-passant.
  8. The pawn can also move backwards
  9. The pawn can be promoted only in a piece, which is already captured
  10. While castling (to the left or to the right) the king is always moved three fields to the side.

The chessboard - position of the pieces

The pawns-movement rules

100 field chessboard gives each of the 40 pieces 2,5 fields, while the classic chessboard gives only 2 fields. White has 38 different possibilities for the opening movement. Black can also respond with one of 38 possible moves . That means that there are 1.444 various ways (38x38) in Chess'3 to start the game with only one move of each player. In old chess, the game can be started in 400 different ways. 

Chess findings until today are not compatible anymore.

The pawn can move one field forward, except from the beginning position, when it can move one, two or three fields forward. Chess'3 increases movements of pawns with movements one field backwards. This movement can only take place for the white pawn when it's original position lies between the 10th and the 5th rank. For the black pawn, this movement can only take place when it's original position lies between the 1st and the 6th rank.

When marking a capture a pawn moves one field diagonally. When moving back the pawn can't make a capture by moving diagonally backwards, but it can attack by the rules of moving forward.

On reaching the last rank the pawns can be exchanged for another piece ( a queen, a rook, a bishop, a civilian or a knight), but it can only be replaced by the piece, which was previously captured by the opponent.

The promotion is not obligatory, the pawn can keep his function as a pawn and stay in the game.

The civilian-movements and functions

The civilian can be moved from its position to any field vertically, horizontally or diagonally, just like the queen. It can also be moved in the shape of the letter "L" (straight or mirrored), just like the knight, That way it can reach one of 43 available fields which makes it the most movable piece in the set.

The civilian doesn't have the right to make a capture directly (peaceful figure)! But when the opponent starts the process of capturing, the civilian becomes equal to other pieces (it has the right to capture opponents pieces), but only for the period of the action (sequence capturing). After that period his right of capturing ceases.

The castling

Three variations of en-passant

An example of the analysis

The diagram shows the position of the pieces after 29 moves.

Example "a" Black's move:

30.. . .Qi2+!?(black civilian protects the queen). The white civilian is in a difficult position, it can't take the queen because there's no checkmate position. 

31. Kg1Qj2:(takes the civilian) 

Example "b" 

White's move:

30. b7!. . .(pawns can move backwards) the pawn attacks a8 and Cc8 ....the black is in a difficult position, 

Example "c" 

The diagram offers many other possibilities,

Redzo Kolakovic

Written by Redzo Kolakovic.
WWW page created: June 18, 2001.