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This page is written by the game's inventor, George Duke.

Baseball Chess 2

*HITS & HOME RUNS* take up mutators 't' thru 'w'. STRIKES & BALLS run below under Rules as mutators 'x' to 'ff'. Optional Baseball Chess Hits & Home Runs follow Mutators 'a' through 's' naturally enough. Link to follow here, recall LeftFielder has affinity for nonant(a7,a8,a9,b7,b8,b9,c7,c8,c9); and so on logically for the other eight positions-players. Only both teams' Knights are initially ''nonantized.'' Baseball The preceding link is the first article including mutators 'a' thru 's'. Terms already introduced in that lead article include within the Baseball complex of games the following: The Mound, Home Plate, relay, Foul Ball, Throwing Spitter, Triple Play as well as more general Nonant. In general throughout RNBKQCBNR = LeftField, 3B, Shortstop, Catcher, Pitcher, CenterField, 2B, 1B, Rightfield.


LF__CF__RF   123   RNBKQCBNR  Bishops are SS and 2B.   CF is the Cardinal.
SS__PI__2B   456   ppppppppp  Knights are 3B and 1B.   PI is Queen.
3B__CA__1B   789   RNBKQCBNR  LF and RF are the Rooks. CA is King.


Cardinal is compound of Bishop and Knight. Other variant pieces will appear as substitutes in later Mutators, such as Pinch Hitters and Relief PItchers. HITS & HOMERUNS having 't' to 'w' here are for the regular seven piece-types in starting array. It always takes three(3) below, and understand that the two indicated above are already in their nonants. (t)If three or more pieces are in their nonants, player gets to move twice per turn whilst the condition holds, called a ''Double.'' ''Single'' is the normal default of course each team one move per turn. Moving into a nonant applies towards all subsequent turns if remaining there. (u) ''Triple,'' three moves on a turn, requires Pitcher on the Mound, i.e. Queen in her nonant(d4,d5,d6,e4,e5,e6,f4,f5,f6) and three pieces altogether nonantized. (v) Home Run, four moves on a turn, requires Cardinal at Home Plate, i.e. Carrera Centaur in his nonant across the board and the two or more others also in theirs. Double, Triple, and Home Run are called Extra-Base Hits or just taking or making the hit.  (w) If no piece is in nonant, the team cannot move a piece, only Pawn or King.
These particular Mutators 't' thru 'w' motivate teams to keep 1B-Knight and 3B-Knight in starting (activated) White nonants (7,9) and Black nonants (1,3). These specific Baseball mutators (t,u,v, and w) would be most often used in a block by prior agreement between opposing teams.


In the next subset of mutators, STRIKES & BALLS are determined by each team's Pawns. Any diagonal containing three same-side Pawns is Strike Out for the duration holding. The Pawns do not have to be adjacent. Any horizontal row (other than array rank) with four Pawns, however spaced, is a Walk. What does a Srikeout impose, and what benefit accrues for four balls and Walking? All the following 'x' thru 'ff', if chosen as active mutators, are prior and in addition to regular move.  (x) A Strikeout requires moving one piece back one square straight or diagonal, regardless its normal pattern. (y) A Walk advances any piece to any square one rank forward. (z) A Strikeout or Walk, either or both, change the side's Pawn-type to Berolina. (aa) A Strikeout requires...

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By George William Duke.
Web page created: 2009-07-07. Web page last updated: 2009-07-07