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This page is written by the game's inventor, Kuyan Judith.

Complex Allegiance Chess (6 player)

6 player CV? There have been times when I was in the presence of 6 people all wanting to play CVs, so you might have an opportunity to play it. This is a six player version of Complex Allegiance Chess


I am uncertain about the openitg setup, but thing there should be one player starting along each side of the hexagonal board.


Pieces are as extended from hexagonal chesses and the 4 player game described here.


Same as in FIDE except:

A player is adjacent to another player if they start on a face next to them.

A player is opposite to another player if they start on the face opposite to them.

A player is partly opposite to another player if they are neither opposite or adjacent to them.

Players can only capture the pieces of opposite and partly opposite players.

Normal rules of check do not apply.

If a player captures a king, they win. This player is called the Primary Winner in the rules below, but this is not a better outcome than being an ordinary winner.

If a player loses their king, they lose. This player is called the Primary Loser in the rules below, but this is not a worse outcome than being an ordinary loser.

If a player is adjacent to the Primary Winner and opposite or partly opposite to the Primary Loser, they win.

If a player is adjacent to the Primary Loser and opposite or partly opposite to the Primary Winner, they lose.

A player who neither wins nor loses has the same outcome as in a draw.

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By Kuyan Judith.
Web page created: 2008-04-06. Web page last updated: 2008-04-06