Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Peter Hatch.

Fantasy Grand Chess

Fantasy Grand Chess adds different armies with fantasy themes to Grand Chess.

Interactive Diagram

files=10 ranks=10 promoChoice=*P*N*B*R*Q*C*M promoZone=3 holdingsType=1 graphicsDir=../graphics.dir/alfaerie/ whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=gif squareSize=54 symmetry=none pawn::fmWfcFifmafmW::a3,b3,c3,d3,e3,f3,g3,h3,i3,j3,,a8,b8,c8,d8,e8,f8,g8,h8,i8,j8:99,99 knight:N:::b2,i2,,b9,i9 bishop::::c2,h2,,c9,h9 rook::::a1,j1,,a10,j10 queen::::d2,,d9 cardinal:::cardinal1:g2,,g9 chancellor:M::chancellor1:f2,,f9 king::K::e2,,e9

The Rules

The Armies

The Humans

The Humans are designed to be the "normal" army, the standard to which the others are compared. Therefore, the pieces and setup are exactly as in Christian Freeling's Grand Chess, except that there is no en passant, as in Kevin Scanlon's Grander Chess, and Pawns do not have to promote on reaching the last rank.

Starting Setup

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
  2 |   | N | B | Q | K | M | C | B | N |   |
  1 | R |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | R |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

The Pieces

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Pawn (P) [mfFcfW]

The Pawn is unchanged except there is no en passant and promotion is different. It may promote when it reaches the eighth, ninth, or tenth rank. When it promotes it is replaced by any non-pawn piece of yours that has been captured.

Rook (R) [R]

The Rook is unchanged.

Knight (N) [N]

The Knight is unchanged.

Bishop (B) [B]

The Bishop is unchanged.

Cardinal (C) [NB]

The Cardinal has the combined moves of a Knight and a Bishop.

Queen (Q) [Q]

The Queen is unchanged.

Marshall (M) [NR]

The Marshall has the combined moves of a Rook and a Knight.

King (K) [K]

The King is unchanged except that it can not castle.

Elven Army

The Elves have less pieces than the Humans (16 instead of 20), but make up for it with two of the strongest pieces in the game. The pawns are more mobile, but unable to promote.

Starting Setup

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W |
  2 |   | S |   | L | K | E | M |   | S |   |
  1 |   |   |   |   | R | R |   |   |   |   |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

The Pieces

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Warrior (W) [mFcfW]

The Warrior moves either one square orthogonally without capturing or one square diagonally forward to capture.

Seeress (S) [W2F2]

The Seeress moves one or two squares in any direction.

Ranger (R) [NN]

The Ranger moves like a Knightrider. (It moves as a Knight, but can continue to make Knight moves in the same direction as long as each square it continues from is empty.)

Mage (M)

The Mage moves like a Griffion from Grande Acedrex. (It moves one square diagonally, and may then continue by moving any number of squares orthogonally away from its starting position.)

Loremaster (L)

The Loremaster has the combined moves of a Rook and a Mage.

Elder (E) [RBN]

The Elder moves like an Amazon. (It has the combined moves of a Rook, a Bishop, and a Knight.)

King (K) [K]

The King is identical to a King in standard Chess, except that it can not castle.

The Dwarves

The Dwarven Army is the same size as the Human Army, but it has more powerful pawns. Dwarves are slow, so the only pieces that can move more than two squares in one turn are the Cannon and War Machine.

Starting Setup

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
  2 |   | P | G | W | K | Ge| W | G | P |   |
  1 | C |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | C |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

The Pieces

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Soldier (S) [fWfcF]

The Soldier moves either one square forward (possibly capturing) or one square diagonally forward to capture. It may promote when it reaches the eighth, ninth, or tenth rank. When it promotes it is replaced by any General, Guard, or Priest of yours that has been captured.

Cannon (C) [mRcpR]

The Cannon moves like a Cannon from Xiangqi. (It moves as a Rook, except that for it to capture there must be exactly one piece between it and the piece it is capturing.)

Priest (P) [F2zF2]

The Priest moves one square diagonally, and if that square was empty it may continue by moving a second square in any diagonal direction (not just the direction it just moved in), except that it may not return to its starting square.

Guard (G) [FW]

The Guard moves like a King.

War Machine (W) [RcpRfF]

The War Machine has the combined moves of a Rook and a Cannon, and may also move one square diagonally forward.

General (Ge) [W2F2nN]

The General moves one or two squares in any direction, or moves one square orthogonally then one square diagonally away from its starting position.

King (K) [K]

The King is identical to a King in standard Chess, except that it can not castle.

The Evil Horde

The Evil Horde is big. The pieces don't cooperate well though. The Goblins and Orcs have trouble protecting each other, and the Balrog would be more powerful if it started in any other army.

Starting Setup

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 | G | G | G | G | G | G | G | G | G | G |
  2 | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O |
  1 | Wa| Og| We| B | K | M | A | We| Og| Wa|
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

The Pieces

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Goblin (G) [fW]

The Goblin moves one square forward. It may move two squares forward without capturing on its first move. When it reaches the eighth, ninth, or tenth rank it may promote to a Wolf Rider.

Orc (O) [fF]

The Orc moves one square diagonally forward. It may also move two squares diagonally forward without capturing on its first move. After a move to the eighth, ninth, or tenth rank you may remove the Orc and any of your opponents non-royal pieces. If your opponent has no other pieces, it may take a royal piece.

Warlock (Wa) [zF9]

The Warlock moves like a Crooked Bishop. (It moves any number of squares with the direction of movement switching between two perpendicular diagonal directions after each step.)

Ogre (Og) [R4]

The Ogre moves up to four squares orthogonally.

Werewolf (We) [fhN]

The Werewolf moves forward like a Knight. When it reaches the ninth or tenth rank, it may promote to a Wolf Rider.

Assassin (A) [mQcK]

The Assassin moves without capturing like a Queen, and captures like a King.

Balrog (B) [RzR]

The Balrog has the combined moves of a Rook and a Crooked Rook. (It moves orthogonally one square at a time, either in a straight line or alternating between two perpendicular orthogonal directions.)

Minotaur (M) [NL]

The Minotaur has the combined moves of a Knight and a Camel. (It jumps to a square that can be reached by moving one square diagonally then one or two squares orthogonally away from its starting square.)

Dark Lord (K) [K]

The Dark Lord is identical to a King in standard Chess, except that it can not castle.

Wolf Rider (Wo) [NFW]

The Wolf Rider has the combined moves of a King and a Knight. It only comes into the game as a result of a Goblin or Werewolf promoting.

Giant Army

The Giants have the smallest army, the only one without a row of pawns. Most pieces are incapable of moving to a square next to them.

Starting Setup

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 |   |   |   |   | G | G |   |   |   |   |
  2 |   | Cy| M | Co| G | G | Co| M | Cy|   |
  1 |   |   |   | B | K | T | 2 |   |   |   |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

Piece Listings

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Giant (G) [DA]

The Giant jumps two squares in any direction.

Cyclops (Cy)

The Cyclops moves like a Rook, except that it cannot move only one square.

Mammoth Rider (M)

The Mammoth Rider moves one square orthogonally, and if that square was empty may continue by moving a second square in any orthogonal direction (not just the direction it just moved in), except that it may not return to its starting position.

Colossus (Co) [DAN]

The Colossus has the combined moves of a Knight and a Giant.

Two-Headed Cyclops (2)

The Two-Headed Cyclops moves like a Griffion from Grande Acedrex, but cannot make a one square move. (It moves one square diagonally, followed by moving one or more squares orthogonally away from its starting position.)

Behemoth Rider (B)

The Behemoth Rider moves one square orthogonally up to three times, free to change direction each time, except that it may not move back to its starting position.

Titan (T) [HGLJ]

The Titan jumps to any square that is exactly three squares away.

King (K) [K]

The King is identical to a King in standard Chess, except that it can not castle.

The Druid

The starting setup for black is the mirror image of that for white.

  3 | Fo| J | Co| L | Pu| Ch| T | W | Pa| D |
  2 | B | H | Ea| R | K | U | Pe| Fa| S |   |
  1 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | El|
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j

Piece Listings

Each piece is listed with its abbreviation in parentheses after its name, followed by the notation for its move in Ralph Betza's notation in brackets, if its move can be expressed in that notation.

Fox (Fo) [F]

The Fox moves one square diagonally.

Dog (D) [W]

The Dog moves one square orthogonally.

Jaguar (J) [mAcW]

The Jaguar either jumps two squares diagonally without capturing or moves one square orthogonally to capture.

Panther (Pa) [mDcF]

The Panther either jumps two squares orthogonally without capturing or moves one square diagonally to capture.

Coyote (Co) [mFcW]

The Coyote moves either one square diagonally without capturing or one square orthogonally to capture.

Wolf (W) [mWcF]

The Wolf moves either one square orthogonally without capturing or one square diagonally to capture.

Lion (L) [mFcD]

The Lion either moves one square diagonally without capturing or jumps two squares orthogonally to capture.

Tiger (T) [mWcA]

The Tiger either moves one square orthogonally without capturing or jumps two squares diagonally to capture.

Puma (Pu) [mDcA]

The Puma jumps either two squares orthogonally without capturing or two squares diagonally to capture.

Cheetah (Ch) [mAcD]

The Cheetah jumps either two squares diagonally without capturing or two squares orthogonally to capture.

Bear (B) [R4F]

The Bear moves either up to four squares orthogonally or one square diagonally.

Elephant (El) [R]

The Elephant moves like a Rook.

Horse (H) [N]

The Horse moves like a Knight.

Stag (S) [WH]

The Stag either moves one square orthogonally or jumps three squares orthogonally.

Eagle (Ea)

The Eagle either moves two or more squares diagonally or jumps two squares orthogonally.

Falcon (Fa) [B]

The Falcon moves like a Bishop.

Pegasus (Pe)

The Pegasus has the combined moves of an Eagle and a Stag.

Roc (R) [Q]

The Roc moves like a Queen.

Unicorn (U) [R4FN]

The Unicorn has the combined moves of a Knight and a Bear.

Druid (K) [K]

The Druid is identical to a King in standard Chess, except that it may not castle.


Version 1.1 (November 26th, 2000):
Removed en passant and made stalemate a loss, like in Grander Chess. Since I no longer needed the definition of pawn for en passant, I changed it so that Orcs can capture pawns as well when they "promote".
Changed it so that pieces are never forced to promote, even if they will be unable to move for the rest of the game if they don't.
Fixed a mistake with the Pegasus, it was supposed to say moves as an Eagle or Stag, not Eagle or Horse.
Fixed a mistake with the Puma, the description said it moved diagonally, instead of orthogonally. The notation was right before.
Version 1.0 (April 30th, 1999):
Original version submitted to the Large Variant 99 Contest.

Zillions of Games

I've done a third implementation of Fantasy Grand Chess for Zillions of Games. You can download it here:

Because it uses a selection screen, installation is not as simple as it is for most ZRFs. The easiest method is to unzip it into you Zillions of Games directory. See the readme for more details.

Contact Information

You can reach me at (email removed contact us for address) Any feedback is welcome.

Written by Peter Hatch.
WWW page created: November 26, 2000.