Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Lim Peng.

Mythical Fantasy Conquest

or Mythico Fantasio

by Lim Ther Peng


This is a game for the future, with the pieces representing the magic of a prehistorically far away time and of mythical places.

This game was created mainly for smart teenagers and children. But adults may also find it fascinating to play.





  1. (Q) Queen Amazon [ Q or N ]
  2. It has the combined move and capture power of Queen [ Q ] or Knight [ N ]. It can move as a Queen or as a Knight.

    It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  3. (B) Beast Rider [ B or N ]
  4. It has the combined move and capture power of Bishop [ B ] or Knight [ N ]. It can move as a Bishop or as a Knight.

    It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  5. (R) Raid Rider [ R or N ]
  6. It has the combined move and capture power of Rook [ R ] or Knight [ N ]. It can move as a Rook or as a Knight.

    It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  7. (N) Native Rider [ K or N ]

It has the combined move and capture power of King [ K ] or Knight [ N ]. It can move as a King or as a Knight.

It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  1. (F) Flying Dragon [ Q or jQ ]

It has the combined move and capture power of Queen [ Q ] or jumping Queen [ jQ ]. It can move as a Queen or as a jumping Queen. 

As a jumping Queen, it can jump ONCE over any intervening piece (over one friendly or enemy piece along the path). It does not capture the piece that it has just jumped over but rather it captures the next piece along the path after the jump as it lands on that square. It can jump one time in each move. It can jump over one piece in each move. It can jump without capturing.

As a jumping Queen, it hops as a Cannon (capturing or not capturing) or it can hop as a Vao (capturing or not capturing).

It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  1. (E) Eagle Buzzard [ B or jB ]
  2. It has the combined move and capture power of Bishop [ B ] or jumping Bishop [ jB ].

    As a jumping Bishop, it hops as a Vao (capturing or not capturing).

    It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  3. (G) Garuda Roc [ R or jR ]
  4. It has the combined move and capture power of Rook [ R ] or jumping Rook [ jR ].

    As a jumping Rook, it hops as a Cannon (capturing or not capturing). It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

  5. (D) Dinosaur [ N or N+N ]
  6. It has the combined move and capture powers of Knight ( N ) ( a single gallop Knight ) or a double gallop Knight ( N+N ).

    It can capture a maximum of two enemy pieces in one move.

    As a double gallop Knight ( N+N ), it moves by making TWO moves of the Knight in a single move. If the two landing squares are empty, then it is a double gallop without capturing. It cannot land on a square occupied by friendly piece. It can capture one enemy piece in a double gallop move if one of the landing squares is unoccupied and the other landing square is occupied by an enemy piece. In a single gallop move [N], it can only capture one enemy piece, just like the Knight. If it lands on an unoccupied square, then it is a move without capture.

  7. (C) Commando [any 2 of K, jK]=[K+K or K+jK or jK+K or jK+jK]

In a single move, it must execute a combination of EXACTLY any two moves with the capture powers of King [K] and jumping King [jK] as shown above. There are four selections. The selection [K+jK] means that in a single move, it moves as a King [K], followed by a move of a jumping King [jK]. It can capture in these two steps.

As a jumping King [jK], it moves by jumping ONCE over one OCCUPIED ADJACENT square and lands on the NEXT square beyond. It CANNOT jump over an unoccupied square.

It can capture a maximum of two enemy pieces in one move, one at each of the landing squares.

(10)(P) Protector (moving robotic magic statue) [any 3 of K, jK] =

[K+K+K or K+K+jK or K+jK+K or jK+K+K or K+jK+jK or

jK+K+jK or jK+jK+K or jK+jK+jK]

  1. (P) Protector has these three special features:
(1) It cannot capture. (2) It cannot be captured. (3) It cannot be converted.

In a single move, the Protector must execute a combination of EXACTLY any three moves of King [K] and jumping King [jK] as shown above. There are eight selections. For example, one of the selections [K+jK+K] means that, in a single move, it moves as a King, followed by a move as a jumping King, and finally it moves as a King ending its last step. In each move, it has to execute exactly three steps. For each step it must land on an UNOCCUPIED square.

  1. (W) Wizard [ K or jK ]

It has the combined move of King [K] (one square move) or jumping King [jK] (one square jump). It captures and converts enemy piece immediately. The converted enemy piece will become a similar valued friendly piece. 

A piece of rubber band may be used to tie round this converted piece. This converted piece will be placed on the square where the Wizard originally positioned just before it captures and converts this enemy piece. 

It can capture and convert using a one square move [K] or a one square jump [jK]. It can capture and convert one enemy piece in one move. The converted piece can be used immediately.

  1. (S) Soldier [captures just like the Pawn [P], as in FIDE Chess.]

It has an initial three-step move or two-step move option.

It has the move and capture power of a Pawn.

It can move one-step forward for the first and subsequent step.



  1. (K) King [K] moves and captures like the King in FIDE chess.

  2. When the Wizard captures and converts the enemy King, that player wins the game.

  3. Castling is not possible.

  4. A Soldier is like Pawn in Chess, except that it has an initial 3-step move or 2-step move option but is not subjected to en passant capture.

  5. A soldier, when it reaches the last rank, can be promoted to any human piece except the King (K), such as the Queen Amazon (Q), Beast Rider (B), Raid Rider (R), Native Rider (N), Wizard (W) and Commando (C). It cannot be promoted to any animal or bird or moving robotic magic statue.

  6. The objective of the game is to capture the King.

  7. The player using the White pieces moves first.

  8. All other rules will follow the FIDE chess rules.


Playing Tips

All the pieces in this game are very powerful, as such the game is tuned to the "high notes". Players will be as if riding on the "fast" tracks of a roller coaster. The player must think fast, far and deep in order to be good at this game. Players cannot rely on memory ever. This is the challenge of a new generation of board game.

For many moves of the pieces, the readers may refer to my game, Supremo Superchess. This game, Mythical Fantasy Conquest, contains pieces representing flying dragons, eagles, garudas (giant mythical birds), dinosaurs, wizards, and protectors (moving robotic magic statues).



Mythical Fantasy Conquest, with powerful pieces named after mythical animals, birds and ancient warriors, is a companion game to Supremo Superchess. This game is created to complement but not to replace Supremo Superchess, which has abstract pieces, with weak pieces and powerful pieces. The weak pieces may be the ideal tactical tools if the players know how to make use of them. Both games have the same starting positions. Below is a table showing the similarities and differences of the two games.

Supremo Superchess | | Mythical Fantasy Conquest

{Notation unchanged, name changed, power upgraded}

(Notation) name [power] (Notation) name [power]

(1) (Q) Queen [Q] | (1) (Q) Queen Amazon [Q or N]

(2) (B) Bishop [B] | (2) (B) Beast Rider [B or N]

(3) (R) Rook [R] | (3) (R) Raid Rider [R or N]

(4) (N) Knight [N] | (4) (N) Native Rider [K or N]

{Name changed but power remains the same}

(5) (SG) Super General [Q or jQ] | (5) (F) Flying Dragon [Q or jQ]

(6) (SB) Super Bishop [B or jB] | (6) (E) Eagle Buzzard [B or jB]

(7) (SR) Super Rook [R or jR] | (7) (G) Garuda Roc [R or jR]

(8) (SN) Super knight [N or N+N] | (8) (D) Dinosaur [N or N+N]

(9) (SC) Super Commando [*] |(9) (C) Commando [*=any 2 of K, jK]

(10) (SP) Super Protector [#] | (10) (P) Protector [# = any 3 of K, jK]

{Name changed and power changed but move unchanged}

(11) (ST) Super Terminator [K or jK] | (11) (W) Wizard [K or jK]

captures all adjacent enemy pieces | lands and converts one enemy piece

{Name changed and moves changed but power of capture unchanged}

(12) (P) Pawn [P] | (12) (S) Soldier [P]

an initial 2-step move option | an initial 3-step or 2-step move option



If you have 3 different Chess sets of and a 10x10 chess variants board, then, you can select 30 pieces and play this game with your friends.