Subversion / Conversion Chess
by Terry H Jones
"Every pawn has his price...."
The intent of this variant is to allow players to bribe / convert / extort opposing pieces into the player's camp. The exact method (bride, prosyletizing, comprimising photos, etc.) is left to the imagination, but such a job will require the use of a player's (limited) resources. Such maneuvering can be costly - but potent.Rules
- A player may, in lieu of his usual move, expend some resources to subvert (bribe/extort) an enemy piece from the opposing camp (color) to the player's own.
- The player making the subversion must have a man (not a pawn) adjacent to the piece to be subverted. Pawns may be subverted, but may not carry out subversions.
- The subverting player removes one (1) of his own pawns from the game. The piece being subverted is then swapped for one of the player's color (or is otherwise marked; see below).
Removing the pawn from the game represents the player expending resources: if you bribe an enemy bishop, you won't be able to feed and arm all your foot soldiers.
- Kings may not be subverted.
- No piece may be subverted while standing on a space adjacent to his king.
- A piece giving mate may not be subverted.
- A subverted piece may immediately give check and/or mate, if so positioned.
- A player in check may only subvert an enemy piece if it gets him out of check.
- A piece giving check may be subverted, but it costs more:
- To subvert a checking pawn, knight or bishop requires that the subverting player remove any piece of value greater than a pawn.
- To subvert a checking rook requires that the subverting player remove a rook, queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 1 bishop and 1 knight, or 1 knight or bishop and all remaining pawns on the board. If the subverting player has no remaining pawns, he may not use this last payoff method.
- To subvert a checking queen requires that the subverting player remove any 3 pieces greater than a pawn, or any 2 pieces greater than a pawn and all remaining pawns.
If these sound like desperation moves...they are!
- To subvert a checking pawn, knight or bishop requires that the subverting player remove any piece of value greater than a pawn.
- A subversion ends a player's turn. No pieces may move or capture on a turn during which a subversion is made.
- A piece may be subverted an unlimited number of times.
I have the remnants of several cheap chess sets, so it's easy enough to lay my hands on 3 bishops, 10 pawns, etc. If you don't have as much junk as I do, you can reintroduce captured pieces, set converted pieces on checkers, coins, etc.Index of Terry H. Jones website | email: (email removed contact us for address) .com | © 1997 by Terry H Jones
Written by Terry H. Jones. Copied from Terry Jones original site with his permission.
WWW page (copy) made September 8, 1997.