Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, M Winther.

External Link: Gala (Farmer's Chess)

The game Gala derives from medieval times and is also called Farmer's Chess. It bears some similarities to the Viking game Tablut (Hnefatafl). Gala is played on a 10x10 board with a central cross, two squares wide. The four great corner fields symbolize castles. Pieces move differently depending on whether they are positioned outside or inside the cross. This implementation builds foremostly on Arnold Mayer's reconstruction: 'Gala Bauernschach' (Sagaheim-Spieleverlag).

The goal is to capture both of the enemy Galas (kings). Alternatively, it's sufficient to capture one of the Galas (the latter is my proposal, which makes games less long-winded).

Pieces are of four types: Kampa ('warrior'), Korna ('berserk warrior'), Horsa ('horseman', or 'mounted warrior'), and Gala ('king'). The centre, consisting of four squares, is an "holy site", and only the Galas and the Kampas are able to enter there. An additional way of achieving a win is by moving both Galas to the four central squares.

A Zillions program and more information is here.

External Link:

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By M Winther.
Web page created: 2009-09-27. Web page last updated: 2009-09-27