Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Adrian King.

Jupiter (Revised)

Ten years have passed since I submitted the game of Jupiter, planning to finish it off relatively quickly. It was not to be. I was never able to complete the Zillions implementation of it, because Zillions kept crashing when I put too many pieces in a file. I got busy with other things, and forgot about Jupiter.

A few months ago, the disk in my laptop died. It took some scrounging to round up all my old files (the backup disk died too!), but when I finally had them all assembled, I looked through them and found some of the Zillions files I had worked on a decade earlier. That reminded me to submit some changes I had made in the meantime to Scirocco and Typhoon, and I made another attempt at finishing the ZRF for Jupiter.

Alas, Zillions still couldn't digest the entire set of Jupiter pieces (although I did feed it enough to make Zillions run really slowly). The screenshot above shows what the board would look like in Zillions, if Zillions could play Jupiter.

However, in the course of attempting to make the Jupiter ZRF work, I did realize I needed to revise the moves of some of the pieces (either because they were unclear, or because they were too difficult to describe to Zillions).

The changes are:

This file describes only the revisions made from the original, rather than restating the complete rules for Jupiter, which would probably overflow the member-submitted-description form.


The Jupiter setup remains basically the same, but adopting the new setup conventions for Typhoon: that is, Blue first chooses the overall symmetry of the initial array by placing the Kings and Commoners, and then Tan decides how to place each pair of pieces.


Here is the revised table with the summaries of piece movements:

PieceAbbreviationAbilities Promotes toPromoted AbbreviationPromoted Abilities
Lance Pair: a1, p1, a16, p16
Fire Horse FHforward R + back N Flying Ox FOB + forward R + back R
Ghost Warrior GWforward R + back F Free Boar FBB + side R
Hook Pair: b1, o1, b16, o16
Hooklet HooR2; then optionally R2 again at right angles; must stop if it makes a capture Boyscout Boyalternates F moves in two directions at right angles to each other; must stop if it makes a capture
Hawklet HawF + W; then optionally F + W again in any direction except back to starting square; must stop if it makes a capture Girlscout Giralternates W moves in two directions at right angles to each other; must stop if it makes a capture
Fat Pair: c1, n1, c16, n16
Marquis MaW + N Abbot AbN + B4
Priest PrF + N Duke DuN + R4
Animal Pair: d1, m1, d16, m16
Stork StW (capturing) + A Queen QR + B
Goat GoF (moving) + D Lioness LiW + F + D + N + A
Queenlet Pair: e1, l1, e16, l16
Cicada Cilike noncapturing Commoner; or like Q3, but must hop at least one piece (of either color; not captured) along the way Typhoon TyQ3; need not stop when it makes a capture, and so may capture up to 3 pieces in a turn
Salamander SaW + F; or noncapturing Q4 that must land next to friendly piece Genie GeQ3 + capture by igui on adjacent squares
Bent Pair: f1, k1, f16, k16
Toucan TouW + F; also, may capture as W, then make a 2nd W step at right angles, where destination space may also contain an opposing piece, in which case 2 pieces are captured Capricorn CapB; then optionally, if destination space was empty, a 2nd B move at right angles
Crow CroF + D; also, may capture as F, then make a 2nd F step at right angles, where destination space may also contain an opposing piece, in which case 2 pieces are captured Great Hook GrHR; then optionally, if destination space was empty, an R3 move at right angles
Guardian Pair: g1, j1, g16, j16
Gold General GGW + forward F Horned Owl HOB4 + side D + back D + forward Parrot
Ferocious Leopard FLF + forward W + back W Diving Osprey DOR4 + back A + forward Raven
Regal Pair: h1, i1, h16, i16
King KW + F; royal Emperor EmQ2 + N; royal
Emperor of Emperors EEW + F + D + N + A + (3,0) leaper + C + Z + (3,3) leaper; also, capture by igui (shooting) along Q lines; royal
Commoner CoW + F Wildebeest WiN + C
Artillery Pair: a2, p2, a15, p15
Blunderbuss BlnR4 (moving); captures like R4, but must hop exactly one piece (of either color; not captured) along the way Cardinal CarN + B
Crossbow CboB4 (capturing); moves without capturing like B4, but must hop exactly one piece (of either color; not captured) along the way Marshall MarN + R
Letter Pair: b2, o2, b15, o15
Eye Eyebent rider that moves consecutively as forward or back W, then another step in the same direction, then side W; may stop anywhere along the line of movement, and must stop if it makes a capture Far Queen FaQQ, but not to any of the 2 nearest spaces along any line of movement; blockable on either of those 2 spaces
Yew Yewbent rider that moves consecutively as side W, then forward R3; may stop anywhere along the line of movement, and must stop if it makes a capture Talia TalB, but not to diagonally adjacent space (blockable there)
Skipping Pair: d2, m2, d15, m15
Thisaway ThiA + forward W + back W + side D + sidemost N West Wind WWiforward R3 + back R3 + right R + right B + left N
Thataway ThaA + side W + forward D + back D + forwardmost N + backmost N East Wind EWiforward R3 + back R3 + left R + left B + right W + right C
Dragonlet Pair: f2, k2, f15, k15
Dragon Pony DrPW + B3 Withdrawer WdrQ (moving); captures by moving like Q any distance in opposite direction from adjacent opposing piece, which is captured
Dragon Duke DrDF + R3 Coordinator CooQ (moving); captures upon completion of move any opposing piece on same rank as Coordinator and on same file as any friendly royal piece, or on same file as Coordinator and on same rank as any friendly royal piece (can capture up to twice the number of friendly royal pieces in one turn)
Directional Pair: g2, j2, g15, j15
Right General RtGF + forward W + back W + left W Whale Whlforward R + back R + back B
Left General LfGF + forward W + back W + right R White Horse WhHforward R + back R + forward B
Mover Pair: h2, i2, h15, i15
Vertical Mover VtMside W + forward R + back R Tiger Horse TiHF + D + N + A + C; also, may capture as N, then move or capture as W (so may capture 2 pieces on a turn)
Side Mover SdMforward W + back W + side R Zoom ZooQ (moving); relays to any friendly piece along unobstructed Q lines the ability to move (but not capture) as Q
Scattered Pair: a3, p3, a14, p14
Blue Gecko BlGforward W + forward right B4 + back right F + back R2 + left R2 + forward left F Boxer BoxW + F + (0,3) leaper + C + Z + (3,3) leaper
White Fox WhFforward R2 + right W + back right B4 + back left F + left R2 + forward left F Foursquare FsqF + N + C + Z + (3,3) leaper
Relay Pair: b3, o3, b14, o14
Relay Wazir RlWW (moving and capturing); also, relays to any orthgonally or diagonally adjacent friendly piece the ability to move or capture as W Soaring Eagle SEgR + back B + forward Raven
Relay Firzan RlFF (moving and capturing); also, relays to any orthgonally or diagonally adjacent friendly piece the ability to move or capture as F Horned Falcon HFlB + back R + side R + forward Parrot
Magnetic Pair: c3, n3, c14, n14
Come Here CmHW + F (moving); cannot capture, but may pull any opposing piece that is 2, 3, or 4 steps away along unobstructed Q line one step closer along that line Hippogriff HgrN + Grasshopper, where Grasshopper moves along Q lines, hopping one piece of either player (not captured) to space immediately beyond hopped piece, where Grasshopper may capture if destination space contains opposing piece
Go Away GoAW + F (moving); cannot capture, but may push any opposing piece that is 1, 2, or 3 steps away along unobstructed Q line one step farther along that line (if destination space is empty); may not push piece off board Werewolf WwfW + F + Nightriderhopper, where Nightriderhopper moves along Nightrider lines, hopping one piece of either player (not captured) to space one N-step beyond hopped piece, where Nightriderhopper may capture if destination space contains opposing piece
Tank Pair: d3, m3, d14, m14
Ox Tank OxTW; also, may move as W to a space occupied by a friendly piece, which is pushed one more step in the same direction. The pushed piece may capture if an opposing piece lies on its destination square, or may in turn push yet another friendly piece, which may also capture if an opposing piece lies immediately beyond it. However, no more than 2 friendly pieces may be pushed by the Ox Tank. It is not legal for the Ox Tank to push a friendly piece off the board Bishop General BGnB; also, when capturing (along B lines), may hop over any number of pieces (friendly or opposing) to land on an opposing piece any distance beyond last piece hopped. However, when hopping, may neither hop over nor capture a royal piece, a Rook General, or another Bishop General (friendly or opposing)
Dragon Tank DrTF; also, may move as F to a space occupied by a friendly piece, which is pushed one more step in the same direction. The pushed piece may capture if an opposing piece lies on its destination square, or may in turn push yet another friendly piece, which may also capture if an opposing piece lies immediately beyond it. However, no more than 2 friendly pieces may be pushed by the Dragon Tank. It is not legal for the Dragon Tank to push a friendly piece off the board Rook General RGnR; also, when capturing (along R lines), may hop over any number of pieces (friendly or opposing) to land on an opposing piece any distance beyond last piece hopped. However, when hopping, may neither hop over nor capture a royal piece, a Bishop General, or another Rook General (friendly or opposing)
Odder Pair: e3, l3, e14, l14
Neartaker NrtW + F (moving); captures by approach (if an opposing piece is adjacent to the Neartaker's arrival square and along its line of movement, that piece is captured; Neartaker does not have option not to capture when it makes a move that could capture) Teleporter TlpQ (moving); also, may exchange places with any friendly piece
Intertaker IntW + F (moving); custodian capture (on completion of move, any opposing piece orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to arrival square is captured if a piece of the Intertaker's own side is immediately beyond it in the same direction from Intertaker's arrival square, such that the captured piece is sandwiched between the Intertaker and a piece friendly to the Intertaker; can capture up to 7 pieces on a turn) Halmopper HlmW + F; also, may make any number of consecutive Grasshopper moves, with possible of change of direction (but must stop if it makes a capture), where Grasshopper moves along Q lines, hopping one piece of either player (not captured) to space immediately beyond hopped piece, where Grasshopper may capture if destination space contains opposing piece
Pretentious Pair: f3, k3, f14, k14
Flying Dragon FlDB2 Doubler DblQ (moving); any piece (friendly or opposing) along an unobstructed Q line from Doubler may make 1 or 2 consecutive moves on the same turn (and need not stop if captures on 1st move). Doubled piece unaffected by immobilization/doubling/burning/poison at end of 1st move if it makes 2nd move. Doubled unpromoted piece may make first move, then promote, then 2nd move as promoted piece
Violent Ox VOxR2 Poisoner PsnQ (moving); any piece (friendly or opposing) along an unobstructed Q line from Poisoner is poisoned (if capturer of poisoned piece ends turn on same space where poisoned piece was captured, the capturer is also captured)
Chu Pair: g3, j3, g14, j14
Kylin KylF + D King Lion KLiW + F + D + N + A; also, may capture as W + F, then make a 2nd move as W + F, possibly changing direction (including back to starting square) and possibly capturing a 2nd piece; also, may pass a turn
Phoenix PhxW + A Queen Cannon QCnQ (moving and capturing); also, may capture along Q lines by hopping one piece (of either player; not captured) to land any distance beyond the hopped piece on an opposing piece, which is captured
Poison Pair: h3, i3, h14, i14
Kamikaze KamQ2; if Kamikaze captures an opposing piece, the Kamikaze is captured too (provided capture is made under Kamikaze's own power; if using power of a relay piece, Kamikaze is not captured) Ancient Emperor AEmW + D + A; royal
Deadly Nightshade DNiW + F; poison (if capturer of Deadly Nightshade ends turn on same space where Deadly Nightshade was captured, the capturer is also captured) Frog FrgW + F + (3,0) leaper + (3,3) leaper
Dagger Pair: a4, p4, a13, p13
Cuckoo Cuside W + back W + forward D; also, on forward-W, side-W, or back-D space, may convert an opposing piece to a friendly piece (this takes a turn) Longleaper LoQ (moving); to capture, hops along Q lines to empty space beyond opposing piece (immediately beyond or through any number of clear spaces beyond); opposing piece is captured; may capture again repeatedly on same turn in the same direction as long as a capture is available in that direction (but may stop while a capture is still available)
Hummingbird Huside W + back W + forward D; also, may interchange its position with any piece (friendly or opposing) on a W, forward-D, or back-D space Immobilizer ImQ (moving); paralyzes all adjacent opposing pieces; a paralyzed piece may capture itself (this takes a turn)
Linear Pair: b4, o4, b13, o13
Rankrider Rrdside R Fiery Dragon FiDB; captures not only opposing piece it lands on but all opposing pieces orthgonally or diagonally adjacent to arrival square as well. If an opposing piece ends its turn on a space adjacent to Fiery Dragon, opposing piece is captured. If Fiery Dragon lands next to an opposing Fiery Dragon, both are captured (possibly along with other opposing pieces)
Filerider Frdforward R + back R Water Buffalo WBfB + forward R2 + back R2 + side R
Colorbound Pair: d4, m4, d13, m13
Camel CC Squirrel SqD + N + A
Bishop's Dog BDB3 Centaur CeW + F + N
Fifth Pair: f4, k4, f13, k13
Right Knight RtNforwardmost right N + rightmost back N + backmost left N + leftmost forward N Golden Bird GBdB3 + side R2 + forward R + back R
Left Knight LfNforwardmost left N + rightmost forward N + backmost right N + leftmost back N Great Dragon GDrB3 + side R + forward R2 + back R2
Ancient Pair: g4, j4, g13, j13
Alfil AA Scirocco ScW + B
Dabbaba DD Dragon Kite DKF + R
Short Pair: h4, i4, h13, i13
Wazir WW Zag ZaF + A + hop-capture over orthogonally adjacent pieces
Firzan FF Zig ZiW + D + hop-capture over diagonally adjacent pieces
Side Pair: a5, p5, a12, p12
Otter OtF + side R4 + forward W Missionary MiQ2 (moving); cannot capture, but converts opposing piece to friendly piece when the opposing piece is adjacent to arrival square of Missionary and on Missionary's line of movement
Beaver Beside R4 + back R + forward F + forward W Sorcerer SoQ2 (moving); captures one or more opposing pieces when first piece captured is adjacent to arrival square of Sorcerer and on Sorcerer's line of movement; additional pieces are captured along the same line as far as that line is occupied by opposing pieces, so Sorcerer can capture up to 14 pieces at a time on 16 x 16 board
Barbarian Pair: b5, o5, b12, o12
Eastern Barbarian EBaforward R2 + back R2 + forward F + side W Communist CstW + B2; also, upon completion of move, captures all adjacent promoted pieces (friendly or opposing)
Western Barbarian WBaside R2 + forward W + back W + forward F Royalist RoyF + R2; also, may leap from anywhere on board to any space (other than starting space) adjacent to a friendly royal piece (whether target space is occupied or not, even by a friendly piece). Cannot pass a turn, even if adjacent to a friendly royal piece
Odd Pair: c5, n5, c12, n12
Overtaker OvF + W (moving); hop-capture over adjacent piece Nightrider NrNr (a series of N steps along a straight line, in the same way as a Rook is a series of W steps along a straight line)
Undertaker UnF + W (moving); captures by withdrawal (moving one step directly away from adjacent opposing piece, which is captured; Undertaker has option not to capture when it makes a move that could capture) Dayrider DaF + W (moving); Dabbaba-rider + Alfil-rider (can repeat Dabbaba or Alfil move along a straight line, in the same way as a Rook is a series of W steps along a straight line)
Square Pair: d5, m5, d12, m12
Chariot ChR4 Octopus OcF then R outwards; can move but not capture as F
Wagon WaR, but not to orthogonally adjacent space (blockable there) Spider SpW then B outwards; can move but not capture as W
Horse Pair: e5, l5, e12, l12
Knight NN Rook RR
Dervish DeD + A; also, adjacent friendly pieces can move as F, D, or A, provided that they land adjacent to the Dervish Harpy HaQ3 (moving); cannot capture; relays to friendly pieces on squares a Q3 can reach the ability to move as N
Skewed Pair: f5, k5, f12, k12
Twist TwiW + right forward F + rightmost forward N + left back F + leftmost back N Mad Hatter MdHQ (moving) + N (capturing)
Tango TgoW + forwardmost left N + left forward F + right back F + backmost right N March Hare MrHN (moving) + Q (capturing)
Metal Pair: g5, j5, g12, j12
Silver General SGF + forward W Vulture VuB (moving) + R (capturing) + W + F
Copper General CGforward F + forward W + back W Ibis IbR (moving) + B (capturing) + W + F
Princely Pair: h5, i5, h12, i12
Drunk Elephant DEF + forward W + side W Elephant Prince EPF + W (moving); N + A (capturing); royal
Blind Tiger BTF + side W + back W Tiger Prince TPF + W (moving); D + N (capturing); royal
Two Fus: a6, p6, a11, p11
Fu Fuforward W Zebra ZZ
Four Berolinas: b6 - c6, n6 - o6, b11 - c11, n11 - o11
Berolina Berforward F (moving) + forward W (capturing) Mock Turtle MkTA (moving) + R4 (capturing)
Eight Pawns: d6 - e6, g6 - j6, l6 - m6, d11 - e11, g11 - j11, l11 - m11
Pawn Pforward W (moving) + forward F (capturing) Tadpole TaF + (3,0) leaper (moving and capturing); W (capturing)
Two Guards: f6, k6, f11, k11
Guard GuW (moving) + F (capturing) Bishop BB
Went-Between Pair: c7, n7, c10, n10
Go-Between GBtforward W + back W Tribble TrbD; also, may reproduce by creating a new Tribble on an empty square one D-move away
Go-Along GAlside W Sultan SulF + C; royal
Go-Between Pair: f7, k7, f10, k10
Lantern Laforward F Parrot PaW + D + igui capture on orthogonally adjacent spaces; also, hop-capture on orthogonally adjacent spaces, where destination space may also contain an opposing piece, in which case 2 pieces are captured; also, may pass a turn
Banner Baforward W + side W Raven RaF + A + igui capture on diagonally adjacent spaces; also, hop-capture on diagonally adjacent spaces, where destination space may also contain an opposing piece, in which case 2 pieces are captured; also, may pass a turn


The basic rules are mostly unchanged from the original, but some additional cases came to my attention when I was attempting to implement the new ZRF:


From the behavior of the partial Jupiter implementations I've made, I'm guessing a typical game of Jupiter would take somewhere between 200 and 500 moves.

Still, I think it would take less time to play Jupiter than it has taken to implement Jupiter.

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By Adrian King.
Web page created: 2009-01-19. Web page last updated: 2009-01-19