In August 1870, a Mr. Hopwood published in the recreational supplement of The
Gentleman's Journal, a proposal for a chess variant, especially designed for
`our fair friends and also for draughts players'. (!!)
Thus, for these, he made the game easier and smaller. While ladies and
draughts players probably find the idea not very
appealing, young children can be expected to have some
fun with this variant.
Board and opening setup
The game is played on a six by six board. The opening setup is as follows:
R, B, N, K, P stand for Rook, Bishop, kNight, King and Pawn; upper case is
black, lower case is white.
Other rules
Pawns cannot move two steps in their first move. Castling is by changing the
location of rook and king, under normal restrictions. Other rules are as in
normal chess.