Greg Strong wrote on Sun, Jan 28, 2018 02:17 AM UTC:
Somehow this game has no one assigned as playing black. Not sure how that happened. When you pick the Your Games, by default, it shows open invitations also. Basically, including invitations adds a "where opponent is null" criteria to the query which is probably why this log is getting pulled in. I bet if you set it to only show finished games, this one will no longer show up (even though it is indeed a finished game.)
Somehow this game has no one assigned as playing black. Not sure how that happened. When you pick the Your Games, by default, it shows open invitations also. Basically, including invitations adds a "where opponent is null" criteria to the query which is probably why this log is getting pulled in. I bet if you set it to only show finished games, this one will no longer show up (even though it is indeed a finished game.)