Also note that the black King should play an active role; it should not be afraid to move to the centre, together with the pack of Knights. If the engine would use the standard king-safety evaluation, which strongly encourages it to cower away in a corner, and then keep a number of Knights there, and the best black can hope for is a draw. Instead black should go for the enemy King, and force the Queens to sacrifice themselves for a single Knight in order to pervent being checkmated.
Also note that the black King should play an active role; it should not be afraid to move to the centre, together with the pack of Knights. If the engine would use the standard king-safety evaluation, which strongly encourages it to cower away in a corner, and then keep a number of Knights there, and the best black can hope for is a draw. Instead black should go for the enemy King, and force the Queens to sacrifice themselves for a single Knight in order to pervent being checkmated.