Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Karl Prosser.

Pawntrooper chess

This is a modest variant with one rule change: You can move a pawn as a paratrooper to any legal empty spot on the board, other than in the last rank, at the cost of giving your opponent two moves after your move. Other than this all standard chess rules apply. The move may not capture a piece, but it may place the king in check.


The board is setup the same as in standard Chess


the pieces are the same as in standard chess, other than the pawn has the ability to paratroop to a new location.


The two consecutive moves that the oponent has in response are treated as a single unit. I.e if in the first move the king moves into check, he can move out , or block that in the second move. This simplifies the scenarios and again gives the oponent reasonble power to defend against the powertrooper thus maintaining the balance of power of this move, and making it not a move that people take likely, because it could backfire badly.


I am building a set of complementary rules for a variant i will call Tactical Chess, but want to test the features in isolation to see how they affect/maintain the balance of power/play and the playability. This rule is to give extra value to pawn , both as a defense and offense piece and give the board another dimension other than the restricted 2 dimensional aspect. However I don't want to make this piece too powerful and distort the balance of power , so it is offset by giving the opponent another huge advantage, the ability to move 2 moves in a row. With this power an opponent can do a lot of damage, so choosing to use a pawntrooper is not a move a player will take lightly and it should create an interesting and balanced play. Also it can reflect real world advantages/disadvantages well. I.e in real war when air warfare became into play , it brought great advantages, but also had disadvantages as to the distance that a plane could fly. Here we simulate the disadvantage in that planning to drop a trooper takes more time than just moving a soldier, thus giving the enemy the advantage to make two moves to counter yours.

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By Karl Prosser.
Web page created: 2006-12-20. Web page last updated: 2006-12-20