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Zillions of Games Saved Game file for:
Jumping Chess

Download instructions

This is a Zillions of Games Saved Game file. You need to have the Zillions of Games program installed on your system to be able to use it. You will also need the particular Zillions of Games rules file installed on your system. For more information on Zillions of Games, go to their site at Zillions of Games.

Instructions on downloading this Zillions Saved Game file:

Jumping Chess is a Zillions Saved Game file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board.


Tony Quintanilla played White and Peter Aronson played Black. March 2001. This game illustrates the use of the edge of the board. It also shows some of the advantages and pitfalls of the jump move, particularly the cost of neglecting this capability. The above image shows the next to final position on turn 12. It's Black's turn. Black's Queen is about to capture the White King by jumping over it to the next square. Black wins.


Other Information

The board used for this game has 10 row(s), 10 column(s), 100 cells/squares.

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