Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

Summary of Game variations, Clock times and other Information

A Summary of Tiger's-Eye Games variations with standard clock times; also other information:

© Copyright G. Nicholls 2015/16

List of Games:

Stones of Fortune
Fortress of the Witch
•	Duel in the Castle
•	Ambush in the Forest
•	Northern Light
•	Crystal of Doom
•	Star-Lords
•	Race
Leopard Princess
The King’s Lancer’s tour
Pyramid chess - Note that details of this Game are in TigerPad
The Stepping-knight's display-Details of this are within Pyramid chess

followed by some Notes


Tiger countdown clocks are described in TigerChess and TigerChess extras web pages, TigerIncrement Clocks are described in Dragon web page, Fischer clocks and Single countdown clocks are standard clocks; other clocks are described in their games' web pages.


Game variations:
•	The Standard game
•	The TigerVariation 

Deployment variations:
•	[Tiger]Open variation – [Fixed/Restricted/General]
•	[Tiger]Countdown variation – [Fixed/Restricted/General]
•	 [Tiger] Dragon variation – Barons’ deployment –   [Fixed/Restricted/General]
•	 [Tiger] Dragon variation – Baronesses’ deployment – [Fixed/Restricted/General]
•	 [Tiger] Symmetrical variation – [Fixed/Restricted/General]
•	Random variation (exhibition and social play only)

Piece set variation only:
         The Forest Animals’ design set

Standard Clock times:

The Standard Game 

 TigerClocks – triple countdown:
  Deployment time – 30 minutes for each player
   Engagement time – 150 minutes for each player
   Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

The TigerVariation

 TigerClocks – triple countdown:
 All clock times double those for the Standard Game.
Random variation

  TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Study/observation time (not entered on clocks) – 30 minutes total
   Engagement time – 120 minutes for each player
   Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Web Page:  TigerChess & TigerChess extras

Takes place in:  The Emerald Kingdom
Main Grouping:  The Tiger Trilogy
North side called:  The Siberian Army
South side called:  The Bengal Army
North player called:  The Siberian Warlord
South player called:  The Bengal Warlord

Dragon (aka DragonQi):

Game variations:
•	LanceVariation
•	SwordVariation
•	PikeVariation

Situation variations:
•	New (Standard) Situation of Mid-Ocean: Kraken
•	Old Situation of Mid-Ocean: Sirens

Deployment variations:
•	The Arrowhead formation (standard and assumed)
•	The Trident formation (experimental only)

Standard Clock times:

All Standard variations

TigerIncrement Clocks:
  Reserve (initial balance) time – 100 minutes for each player
  Increment time – 2 minutes for each player
  Cut-Off point – 100 moves for each player
  Final Increment time – 120 minutes for each player

Web Page:  Dragon & Operations on Trafalgar Ocean

Takes place in:  The Middle Kingdoms
Main Grouping:  The Dragon Trilogy
North side called:  The Forest Forces
South side called:  The Storm Forces
North player called:  The Forest OverLord
South player called:  The Storm OverLord 

Established opening lines/features are termed Kaleisions which is pronounced as in the English word collisions.

Citadel (aka TigerLines):

Board variations:
•	8 rank board
•	9 rank board

Standard Clock times:

for both 8 rank & 9 rank board variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 150 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Note:  Each (if any) release of a High Prince (Younger) increases both players clock reserve balance by an additional 30 minutes.

Web Page:  Citadel – 8 & 9 rank

Takes place in:  The Shrouded Plains
Main Grouping:  The Tiger Trilogy
North side called:  The Warriors of the Northern Blue-stripe
South side called:  The Warriors of the Southern Pure-white
North player called:  The Blue Emperor of the North
South player called:  The White Emperor of the South


Game variations:
•	Strike
•	Crossfire

Board variations:
•	80
•	100

Standard Clock times:

for all variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 150 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Web Page:   TigerSquares – 80 & 100
Takes place in:  Tiger-Forest
Main Grouping:  The Tiger Trilogy
North side called:  The North Region Personnel
South side called:  The South Region Personnel
North player called:  The Northern Guardian
South player called:  The Southern Guardian

Stones of Fortune (aka TigerQuest or Excalibur):

Game variations:
•	Limited variation, one-way
•	Limited variation, two-way
•	Unlimited variation, one-way
•	Unlimited variation, two-way

Standard Clock times:

•	Limited variation, one-way

TigerSwing Clocks:
Swing balance – 1 minute for each player
Reserve balance – 30 minutes for each player
Move limit - 30 moves for each player

•	for both Limited variation, two-way & Unlimited variation, one-way

TigerSwing Clocks:
Swing balance – 90 seconds for each player
Reserve balance – 50 minutes for each player
Move limit - 50 moves for each player

•	Unlimited variation, two-way

TigerSwing Clocks:
Swing balance – 2 minutes for each player
Reserve balance – 70 minutes for each player
Move limit - 70 moves for each player

	Note:  clocks are time-lagged by ten to fifteen seconds for each move.

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.

Takes place in:  The Dark Realm
Main Grouping:  The Dragon Trilogy
North side called:  The Light Encirclement
South side called:  The Dark Encirclement
North player called:  The Light Stone Master
South player called:  The Dark Stone Master

NavalQi (aka TigerQi): 

Game phases:
•	Primary phase
•	Secondary phase

Standard Clock times:

Composite countdown clocks: 
Primary phase-Spending & Deployment – 90 minutes overall for both sides
Primary phase-Engagement – 90 minutes Single countdown for each player
First Counting – 30 minutes overall
Secondary phase- re- Deployment – 30 minutes overall for both sides
Secondary phase-Engagement – 30 minutes Single countdown for each       player
Final Counting – 30 minutes overall

Note:  clocks are time-lagged by sixty seconds for each move but can be changed or increased if appropriate.

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.
Takes place in:  The Tiger-Seas
Main Grouping:  Tie-break (for A Sundry Trio)
North side called:  The Siberian Navy
South side called:  The Bengal Navy
North player called:  The Siberian Admiral
South player called:  The Bengal Admiral

Fortress of the Witch (aka RiverChess): 

   Game variations
•	Level variation
•	High variation

Standard Clock times:

for both variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 150 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Web Page:  Fortress of the Witch

Takes place in:  The Woodland Kingdom
Main Grouping:  Tie-break (for The Middle Trilogy)
North side called:  The Inhabitants of The Woodland Kingdom
South side called:  The Inhabitants of the Witch
North player called:  The Chief Woodsman
South player called:  The Woodsman of the Witch

Jewel (aka Keys in Time):

Standard Clock times:

•	Facet 1: Duel in the Castle– a Beginner’s game
No variations

Single countdown clocks: 
 5 or 10 minutes for each player

Note:  clocks are time-lagged by five seconds for each move.

•	Facet 2: Ambush in the Forest– a Mini game
No variations

Single countdown clocks: 
 30 minutes for each player

Note:  clocks are time-lagged by five seconds for each move.

•	Facet 3: Northern Light – a Treasure Hunt - DiamondQi

Single countdown clocks: 
 60 minutes for each player

Interval allowed of up to 30 minutes if DiamondQuest played.

•	Facet 3: Northern Light–a Treasure Hunt–DiamondQuest, (aka Diamaranga)

Single countdown clocks: 
 30 minutes for each player
Note:  clocks are time-lagged by five seconds for each move.

•	Facet 3: Northern Light – a Treasure Hunt – DiamondChess 

Single countdown clocks: 
 30 minutes for each player
Note:  clocks are time-lagged by five seconds for each move.

•	Facet 4: Crystal of Doom
No variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 120 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

•	Facet 5: Star-Lords
No variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 120 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

•  Race  - (Tie-break game)

Completion of Game variations:  by 50 or after 50.

There are also entertainment only variations called:

Four-handed Race
Two & Four-handed Ligtning
Two & Four-handed Laser

TigerSwing Clocks - double time control:
  Reserve Balance – 30 minutes for each player
  Swing Balance – 30 seconds for each player
  Move limit – 50 moves for each player, 
  Note:  clocks are time-lagged by ten seconds for each move except Laser is time-lagged as suits circumstances.

Web Page:  Jewel:  A Linked-series of Games

Takes place in:  Various – see web page
Main Grouping:  The Jewel Series
North side called:  Various Green Characters
South side called:  Various Red Characters
North player called:  The Green TimeLord
South player called:  The Red TimeLord 


Deployment variations:
•	Guard variation,
•	Watch variation

Standard Clock times:

for both  Guard & Watch variations

TigerClocks – double countdown:
Choosing time (not entered on clocks) – 15 minutes total
  Engagement time – 120 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.

Takes place in:  The Central-Valley
Main Grouping:  A Sundry Trio
North side called:  The North-valley Dwellers
South side called:  The South-valley Dwellers
North player called:  The North-valley Warlord
South player called:  The South-valley Warlord

TigerBridge (aka Blade):

Game variations:
•	Standard play
•	TigerBlades in use (optional for social play only)

Standard Clock times:

All play

Clocks not usually used.
Guideline for matches/tournaments – bids, play of Blades etc. should not exceed 1 minute.

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.

Takes place in:  Not fixed
Main Grouping:  The Middle Trilogy
North side called:  North/South & East/West partnerships
South side called:  North/South & East/West partnerships
North player called:  North/South & East/West partnerships
South player called:  North/South & East/West partnerships 


No variations

Standard Clock times:

TigerIncrement Clocks:
  Reserve (initial balance) time – 60minutes for each player
  Increment time – 1 minute for each player
  Cut-Off point – 40 moves for each player
  Final Increment time – 40 minutes for each player
  Conversion from Stalemate to Checkmate (if applicable) – 10 minutes

Web Page:  Wing and RiverQi

Takes place in:  The (Free-age) River Territories
Main Grouping:  The Middle Trilogy
North side called:  The Northern Territory (Free-age) Combatants
South side called:  The Southern Territory (Free-age) Combatants
North player called:  The Northern Territory (Free-age) OverLord
South player called:  The Sothern Territory (Free-age) OverLord


 No variations

Standard Clock times:

TigerClocks – double countdown:
  Engagement time – 120 minutes for each player
  Reserve time – 60 seconds per engagement time move for each player

Web Page:  Siege

Takes place in:  Hilltops Range
Main Grouping:  The Middle Trilogy
North side called:  The Army of The Northern Alliance
South side called:  The Army of The Southern Alliance
North player called:  The Blue Commander
South player called:  The Grey Commander

LancerChess (aka LeopardChess):  

No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks: 
 90 minutes for each player

Web Page:  LancerChess

Takes place in:  The Disputed Realm
Main Grouping:  A Chess Quadrilogy
North side called:  The Northern Participants
South side called:  The Southern Participants
North player called:  The Northern Player
South player called:  The Southern Player


No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks: 
 90 minutes for each player
Conversion from Stalemate to Checkmate (if applicable) – 5 minutes

Web Page:  Wing and RiverQi
Takes place in:  The River Territories
Main Grouping:  A Chess Quadrilogy
North side called:  The Northern Territory Combatants
South side called:  The Southern Territory Combatants
North player called:  The Northern Player
South player called:  The Southern Player

Leopard Princess (aka TwinDraughts):  

No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks: 
 90 minutes for each player

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.

Takes place in:  (the City of) New-Camelot (of the United Realm)
Main Grouping:  The Dragon Trilogy
North side called:  The North-side Armed Representatives
South side called:  The South-side Armed Representatives
North player called:  The North-side Prince
South player called:  The South-side Prince


No variations

Note – Game is stated as South has the Knights or North has the Knights 

Standard Clock times:

(for both North or South having the Knights)

Single countdown clocks:
  	90 minutes for each player

Web Page:  LancerChess

Takes place in:  Tiger-Castle Training Room
Main Grouping:  Springboard
North side called:  The Northern Participants
South side called:  The Southern Participants
North player called:  The Northern Player
South player called:  The Southern Player


Game variations:
•	Promotion is on the seventh rank
•	Promotion is on the sixth rank
Note – Game is stated as the Chariots are with South or the Chariots are with North

Standard Clock times:

(for Promotion on 6th or 7th rank & Chariots North or South)

Single countdown clocks: 
 90 minutes for each player
Conversion from Stalemate to Checkmate (if applicable) – 5 minutes

Web Page:  Wing and RiverQi
Takes place in:  Tiger-Castle Training Room
Main Grouping:  Springboard
North side called:  The Northern Territory Combatants
South side called:  The Southern Territory Combatants
North player called:  The Northern Player
South player called:  The Southern Player


Game/Deployment variations:

•	Breakthrough – Open variation

Single countdown clocks: 
 15 minutes for each player for deployment phase
60 minutes for each player for engagement phase

•	Breakthrough – Random variation

Single countdown clocks: 
Study/Observation time (not entered on clocks) – 15 minutes total
60 minutes for each player for engagement phase

When a Tie-break:  Interval allowed of up to 60 minutes if Breakout played

•	Breakout

Single countdown clocks: 
 15 minutes for each player for deployment phase
90 minutes for each player for engagement phase

Web Page:  Aftershock

Takes place in:  The Emerald Kingdom
Main Grouping:  Tie-break (for The Tiger Trilogy)
North side called:  The Siberian Inhabitants
South side called:  The Bengal Inhabitants
North player called:  The First Minister of Siberia
South player called:  The First Minister of Bengal


 Playing/Scoring system for various base games:
Standard Base Game variations:

•	LancerChess
•	Touchstone

Standard Clock times:

  Single countdown clocks:
 60 minutes for each player;
30 minutes in total is allowed for Marking out.

Web Page:  TigerMarks (Stake-out)

Takes place in:  The Disputed Realm or The Fractured Realm
Main Grouping:  A Sundry Trio
North side called:  The Northern Participants
South side called:  The Southern Participants
North player called:  The Northern Player or The Northern Lookout
South player called:  The Southern Player or The Southern Lookout 


No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks: 
 60 minutes for each player

Web Page:  Springboard

Takes place in:  The Fractured realm
Main Grouping:  A Chess Quadrilogy
North side called:  The Northern Participants
South side called:  The Southern Participants
North player called:  The Northern Lookout
South player called:  The Southern Lookout


No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks:
  60 minutes for each player
Conversion from Stalemate to Checkmate (if applicable) – 5 minutes

Web Page:  Springboard

Takes place in:  The Rainbow Territories
Main Grouping:  A Chess Quadrilogy
North side called:  The Blue Combatants
South side called:  The Red Combatants
North player called:  The Blue General
South player called:  The Red General


No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks:
  60 minutes for each player

Web Page:  Springboard

Takes place in:  The Forgotten Realm
Main Grouping:  Tie-break (for a Chess Quadrilogy)
North side called:  The Northern Participants
South side called:  The Southern Participants
North player called:  The Northern Player
South player called:  The Southern Player


No variations

Standard Clock times:

Single countdown clocks:
  60 minutes for each player
Conversion from Stalemate to Checkmate (if applicable) – 5 minutes

Web Page:  Springboard

Takes place in:  The Coloured Territories
Main Grouping:  Tie-break (for A Chess Quadrilogy)
North side called:  The Blue Combatants
South side called:  The Red Combatants
North player called:  The Blue Player
South player called:  The Red Player


Study/assessment only of TigerChess deployment & opening moves and also the playing and studying of Pyramid chess (Pyramid chess of Dune).

Also a spin-off of Pyramid chess is: The Stepping-knight’s Display – the Mid-level Tour & the Pyramid Leap, and at least thirty minutes are allowed for solving these two tests by Novices or Learners.

Standard Clock times:

No set time limit – Study only except 60 minutes (or other) Single countdown clocks may be set for Pyramid chess


No variations:

Standard Clock times:

Clocks not usually used.
Guideline: Actions should not normally take longer than a minute or so.

Web Page:  Chess from Draughts etc.

Takes place in:  Not fixed
Main Grouping:  A Sundry Trio
North side called:  Players play as individuals
South side called:  Players play as individuals
North player called:  Players choose their names
South player called:  Players choose their names

The King’s Lancer’s tour:  

A puzzle, but different board sizes:

Board type variations:
•	2D version
•	3D version

Standard Clock times:

2D version or 3D version

Fifteen minutes allowed for a beginner to solve

Web Page:  Springboard

Takes place in:  Tiger-Castle Training Room
Main Grouping:  Springboard
North side called:  No sides as this is a puzzle
South side called:  No sides as this is a puzzle
North player called:  The Beginner
South player called:  The Beginner


1. Adjournment time is allowable for:

•	TigerChess
•	Dragon
•	 Citadel
•	TigerSquares
•	Stones of Fortune
•	NavalQi
•	Jewel 
•	Fortress of the Witch
•	TigerChequers
•	Wing
•	Siege
•	TigerGo

2. After the time of Touchpaper but before RiverQi (see the full Chronology in Games by Groupings) there was a period of internal strife in the Blue Territory resulting in a change of Imperial House to the Yellow line, but Houses and Territories were also generally renamed without reference to colour. 

3. From The Great Change onwards (see the full Chronology in Games by Groupings) the First Language of New-Earth is English.

4. All the above games also appear in Games by Groupings which has Chronologies and a rough Map (west of The Middle Kingdoms some expanse of ocean and fairly sparsely inhabited & mainly rocky continental land - called The Rocky Lands -  are not shown).  There is a detailed Map in TigerPad that shows the Rocky Lands and other.

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By Glenn Nicholls.
Web page created: 2015-07-07. Web page last updated: 2015-07-07