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charlesFort wrote on Mon, Aug 1, 2005 04:33 PM UTC:
Chess columnist Larry Evans runs a repeat column, with slight revisions
each time, relating the subject to intelligence. How good a chess player
can you be? Take your IQ from some standard test, or average of a few
trials. Add 100 for provisional number, to which multiply by ten. That is
your hypothetical FIDE rating, if you apply yourself to the (64-square
western) chess that we all know. Example: IQ 120 becomes 220 that turns
into 2200 Elo Rating(potential). An 'Ultranet' member(beyond Mensa and
Mega) at IQ 165 becomes 2650 Fide, presuming the person is willing to
at the game an hour a day, tournaments, and all the rest. It is easy to
why only a dozen or so get rated over 2700. Probably someone can
out-perform for specific tasks, like Lavieri suggests, IQ but not by more
than 10 or 15%.

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