Check out Alice Chess, our featured variant for June, 2024.

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David Paulowich wrote on Wed, Sep 26, 2007 10:42 PM UTC:

Let the Grand Knight have the combined moves of a Wazir and a Knight. This color-alternating piece is called a Brigadier in veSQuj and simply a Knight in Opulent Chess. In Achernar the Grand-Horse moves like a Grand Knight and can also make 'CH moves'.

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. x . x . x .
. . x o x . .
. x . x . x .
. . x . x . .
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I am going to use the name Grand Horse here for a piece combining moves of a Wazir and a Chinese Horse (Mao). This non-leaping piece moves to precisely those nearby squares that the the Free Padwar cannot go to. [EDIT] This piece is a short range version of the Rhino.

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