Check out Alice Chess, our featured variant for June, 2024.

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H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 12:10 PM EDT:
You were right, Sam! Your remark that it did no longer acept any move
puzzled me, but it turned out I had wrecked the SAN move parser: I shifted
the rank number somewhere by 1 on boards smaller than 10 ranks, but this
inadvertantly also shift the wildcard code for a non-given rank, so that it
was no longer recognized as a wildcard. :-(

I fixed it now, and also fixed the printing of the boards in styles < 12.
Even the Bishop-confusion resolution should work now for all fairy pieces:
if you type ab6 or axb6, it can either be interpreted as a Pawn or an
Archbishop move, and if both are possible, the pawn move is preferred if
you spelled it lower case.

So playing by telnet should work now.

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