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George Duke wrote on Wed, May 27, 2015 11:54 AM EDT:
Electric atmosphere: Fischer and Spassky Iceland 1972.  Fast forward a
lifetime.  Today Iceland public broadcasting has marathons of live sheep
birthing, Chess, Knitting, and wood-burning,  in slow television

Is formal f.i.d.e. become kin to knitting then?  Actually Chess and
Knitting have been conflated before by writer of astronaut book 'The Right
Stuff', Tom Wolfe.  Crudely Wolfe likens the continual clicks of
(centenarian) knitting circle needles and endless clicks of keys any
computer room as same absentminded "click, click, clicking" -- broadening
perfect-fit Chess to all silicon objects key-clutched.  Wolf's ax to grind
is book sales decimated by surfing Internet.

So here's perfect solution for each complainant one by one:

(1) R. J. Fischer r.i.p.

(2) Iceland tv should just adopt CVs in order to regain their 1972 Reykjavik
suspense.  Just forget Fischer's last decade the Aughts terminal Icelandic
reprise, and these Teens decade reinvent CVs:  Rococo on Ice, Northern
Lights Altair, Geyser Gaia.

(3) Thirdly, F.i.d.e./ChessBase?  Recall Japan has good size 81, China
regular size 90, and Europe only paltry 64. No board fits wide screen any
more. Unbefitting a Carlsen, one or two recent championship games have been
like Watching Paint Dry -- sure qualification for Iceland Slow TV along
with woodburning. So renew FRC discussion if not Reshevsky
pocket to further perfect the board.

(4) Finally Wolfe. Since his astronaut book, cosmonauts have played Chess in Space:  Common German Chess Boxing is too mild, a contact sport.  Wind surfing/Chess could be done, as play on words, to remove monotony but Chess is land sport.  So take the next step a sure leap to Base Jumping for excitement: Buildings, Antennae, Spans, Earth.  A new CV then surfaces, Supreme Blitz basejump Chess Taft Point Yosemite, advanced to Meru Peak,, India, birthplace of the holy 2*2*2 board. All moves in 1' free fall,100 mph, between cliffs no time for clicks,  Wing suit and parachute, no entanglement, Draw death no way.    

(safety is Los Alamos 36 surer to finish in time)


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