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Aurelian Florea wrote on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 08:05 AM EST:


I thought it is a good moment to start a new tradition for the "Festivus" period  :)!

I will post heavy amounts of challenges of my favorite games (2-5 depending on how favorite the game is in my book), and I hope bigtime that fellow players from the community would accept more challenges that usual as the holidays period is roughly more free than usual. Because of that the grace time would be 12 hours instead of the regular 24 hours, and a maximum time of 3 days, so we don't get to February at least not in many cases. In counterbalance, the spare time is set to 30 days. Also there is an extra time of 6 hours and a bonus time of 3 hours for moving within 3 hours after the grace time.

Maybe the whole community should do similar things, and I'd gladly accept public (and why not private challenges). I'd prefer any private challenges to be made within the games I have already challenged people publicly in the case that those ran out, as if they did not ran out it would be sensible to just accept existing ones, and private challenges to games I don't prefer now are a bit forcing :)! Also I would accept public challenges on games I did not offered challenges already as with games I have already made challenges one would accept those if he/she would want to play me. Otherwise I'd consider that specific challenge is made for anyone else :)! If multiple games of the same type between the same two players are set up it is preferable to balance the first move advantage between players. I think it is sensible to consider that fair. If the number of such games is even the equality is mostly desirable otherwise one game either way could b good. But that is not a must :)!

Special rules for myself playing Chess with different armies:

I will soon set up 24 challenges with 12 pairs which each of the four armies being white once against each of the three other armies. I'd like to play each other once with white and once with black hence 24 games. I realize this is a daunting task, for any person but maybe there is room for a Christmas miracle. If by any very very remote chance there is a second person wanting to lay me in these conditions and the challenges have already been accepted than make the same personalized challenges to me, or just contact me here and I'll make the challenges to you :)! CWDA is the only game where I'd accept personal challenges within the games I deemed games I'd like, if the preset that assign random distinct armies is used :)! But please , and I insist, don't accept part of the 24 games. I would play but I won't like it. Treat it with take it or leave it. Or play someone else, or challenge me privately with the random different preset, or if worse comes to worst a specific game, privately:)!

I hope I don't annoy anyone. Good luck, and happy holidays :)!


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