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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, May 5, 2004 10:26 PM EDT:
Why wait for the end of the First Game Courier Tournement to offer new
Tournements?. I have seen that the traffic of Shogi-like games is high in
TCVP, so I suggest ask the community if there is interest in a
Shogi-and-Variants Tournement, and I suggest free fee and the prizes be
honorific mentions or another kind of non-monetary prizes, By diverse
reasons, and I have not nothing in favor or against it, sometimes some
people may dislike a little the idea of mixing games with money. The games
to play have been mentioned before, but other games may be added to the
preliminary list, and then the choice may be performed by votation. Why
not other experimental Tournements?, by example, a Tournement with games
in little boards?. It would be nice, interesting, and I expect not very
expensive in the time to finish!. If anyone has comments on this topic, I
want hear about it.

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