Check out Alice Chess, our featured variant for June, 2024.

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Dec 1, 2004 11:14 AM EST:
George: I´m not apologizing intelligent selection and/or intelligent
manipulation of evolution, it is only a fact of actual science, with all
the pros and contras anybody can have in mind, genetic engeniering is
growing fast as science, and it is not easy stop it completely in all its
possible consequences. I´m not looking for an ideal in Chess, my games are
only art manifastations, as pointed out by Tony about his work, mine is the
same, and I´m careful with quality, at least from my point of view,
nevertheless, I admit that one or a couple of my games may need a
revision, and I´m thinking in Achernar. I like this game, but it has some
elements that may need a revision. In others, my fantasy and artistic
perception was the motor of my work. It is possible that an ideal in Chess
is a function of time, and we can´t discard that the ideal in the future is
going to be somthing like the things we do in our Tournaments: the
possibility of playing a miriad of interesting games based in the
meta-concept of Chess. Of course, natural selection is going to do its
work, and some games are going to be prefered than others. We have not a
crystal globe to see what is going to happen in the future, but I´m
convinced that our work is going to have heavy weight some day. We are
pioneers in this sense, and we are creating a very nice collective
artistic work.

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