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🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Mar 15, 2005 03:47 AM UTC:
While looking through Doctor Who magazines today, I found an article on the
Chess set I mentioned earlier. It listed what the pieces were, and its list
matched my identifications except that it listed the Black Knights as Sea
Devil and Terileptil instead of Sea Devil and Ice Warrior. But I just
found a picture of a Terileptil, and it doesn't look like any of the
pieces in the flyer, whereas the Ice Warrior, shown in the same picture,
does. The article was written before the full set was released, and the
piece lineup may have changed in the meantime, or the author may have made
a mistake. The article included some pictures, but none were of the Black

With respect to a Doctor Who CV, I don't really have a clear idea of how
Doctor Who could be translated into a CV. It is too diverse of a show to
really lend itself to any clear CV idea. It might be better to isolate
certain aspects of the show and see what can be done with them. For
example, suppose a checkmated King could regenerate, causing the goal of
the game to be something more than simple checkmate. Or maybe a particular
storyline or scenario could serve as the basis of a game.

Although an unequal armies game would echo the diversity of the show, it
would be tricky business, because the armies of any good CV should be
balanced. Ralph Betza spent years coming up with the precise armies for
Chess with Different Armies, and comparable work would be required for an
unequal armies Doctor Who CV. Of course, in the spirit of good always
triumphing over evil on Doctor Who, we might purposely make it unbalanced
so that the Doctor's side normally wins. I think that would be truer to
the TV show, though it wouldn't make a better game.

One more thing to consider is that Doctor Who is a merchandisable product
of the BBC, and rights to some parts of the Doctor Who universe are owned
by various writers, such as the Daleks, the rights to which are owned by
Terry Nation. We would either have to get the permission of the BBC and
various Doctor Who writers, or disclaim any officialness and hope the
owners of the characters used in the game don't complain.

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